This page describes password strategy.
Password Hygiene
Standard 100% QWERTY keyboard
- 10 digits
- 26 characters in the English alphabet
- 52 lower and upper case characters
- 32 special characters
- 94 when using all of them
Password Cracking
Number of combinations in scenarios
10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10 = 100,000,000 combinations (CISA recommends 16 characters)
94*94*94*94*94*94*94*94 = 6,095,689,385,000,000 combinations
450K*450K*450K*450K = 41,006,250,000,000,000,000,000 combinations (CISA recommends 5-7 words)
Even more combinations than that with word delimeter and leetspeak rules applied
TO-ADD:Screenshots of password crack attempt timelines from uidbot or uidworkhorse
Description of password cracking attacks
- Brute force
- Dictionary (700,000+ words in english)
- ~450K on github .txt list, fewer if filtered between 3-6 character words
- Wordlists
Password Attack
- Credential Stuffing
- Use of known compromised passwords and username combinations
- Password Spray
- Few common passwords to many accounts
Password Protection
Password Managers eliminate need to remember numerous credentials (password/passphrase).
Eggs in basket argument: Can require separate MFA type to open password vault.
Recommended: 1Password, Bitwarden
- Passwords are weak because we can remember them.
- Passphrase > Password
- Understand password attacks to build better passwords
- Brute force/dictionary
- Password managers
- [1] Password attacks - https://www.beyondtrust.com/blog/entry/password-cracking-101-attacks-defenses-explained
- [2] Password weaknesses - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-blog/your-pa-word-doesn-t-matter/ba-p/731984